Privacy & Terms

Privacy & Terms

The website of (hereinafter: "the website") is a website, which operates for the sale of Agave-based spirits. The site is owned by Negave Estate Ltd. number 516708351 (hereinafter: "the Company" or “Negave”).

Every user and/or operator and/or interested in performing an action on the website (hereinafter: "Purchaser" and/or "User", as the case may be) declares and undertakes that he is aware of the website's regulations, and agrees to its instructions, and that he and/or anyone on his behalf will not Any claim and/or claim, directly or indirectly, against the owners of the company or the site and/or its operators and/or anyone on their behalf. Action on the website means any purchase of a product offered for sale on the website.

The purchase of alcoholic beverages is only allowed to buyers who are over 18 years old or 21 years old in the US and is of legal age in their respective countries of purchase.

1.1. By using the Negave website at (the “Site”) you grant us an authorization to collect the following types of  Information (the “Information”): (i) any information that you and/or third  parties provide us, such as your name, address, email, phone number and address, if so provided; and (ii) details regarding your orders, including (but  not limited to) type of products and/or services ordered and frequency of  orders. In this privacy policy, “you” or “your” means the person using the Site and any person or other entity on whose behalf such person is acting, and “we,” “us,” or “our,” means Negave Estate Ltd. (the “Company” or “Negave”). 

1.2. Please note that you are under no legal obligation to provide us with the Information; however, to use a service or purchase a product, you may be required to submit the Information, or any part thereof. 

1.3. Without derogating from any other provision contained herein or from any right afforded to us by any law, we may use the Information, in our discretion, for any or all the following purposes: 

(i) establishing, authenticating or confirming your identity and securing the protection of the Information. 

(ii) improving, modifying, cancelling and monitoring the services and products offered by us; 

(iii) auditing, reporting or accounting purposes. 

(iv) safeguarding, enforcing or defending legal rights and enforcing, defending against or managing legal claims; 

(v) safeguarding the privacy, safety or property of any party; (vi) monitoring or enforcing compliance with any of our policies; and  

(vii) verify compliance with applicable law and orders or requests of any court or other governmental body. 

1.4. By checking the relevant box, you grant us an authorization to use the Information for the marketing, direct mailing, offering and delivery of advertisements and promotional content. This may include E-mail advertisements, SMS messages and/or any other electronic messages. We may use the Information for the aforementioned purposes regarding all services and products. 

1.5. Without derogating from any other provision contained herein, we will not share the Information with other parties without your consent except as provided below or as required or permitted by law: 

1.5.1. in order to provide a service and/or a product, we may share the  Information with the relevant directors, officers, employees, consultants,  agents, shareholders, affiliates, service providers, business partners, and  other third parties who are, directly or indirectly, involved in the operation  of our business and/or in the manufacture, sale, marketing and/or delivery  of the services and/or products we offer, to the extent that such sharing of  the Information is required in order to provide such services and/or  products to our customers. 

1.5.2. We may share the Information to the extent we deem required by  applicable law or to the extent we deem necessary in connection with any  action, suit, litigation, arbitration, proceeding (including any civil,  criminal, administrative, investigative or appellate proceeding), hearing,  inquiry, audit, examination or investigation commenced, brought,  conducted or heard by or before, or otherwise involving, any court or other  governmental body or any arbitrator or arbitration panel in any  jurisdiction. 

1.5.3. We may share the Information with third parties in order to investigate, prevent or take action regarding any illegal activity or what we suspect to  be an illegal activity, actual or perceived threats to our property or to the  physical safety of any person, violations of this privacy policy and/or any 

other rules or policies, or as otherwise permitted by law. 

1.5.4. We may share the Information to a third party as part of a purchase of Negave, whether by acquisition, merger, sale, reorganization, consolidation or liquidation, purchase of all or substantially all of our assets, the transfer or grant of an exclusive license to all or substantially all of our intellectual property or, or by any other way. It is hereby expressly clarified that the Information may be one of the transferred assets and we will be entitled to transfer the Information to such acquiring third party, at our discretion. Without derogating from the aforesaid, we shall have the right to disclose the Information to any third party or its legal councils as part of due diligence in anticipation of the consummation or occurrence of any of the events in Section 1.5.4.  

1.6. You may review, either by yourself or through an authorized representative or custodian, any personal Information which contains specific identifying details of you and is stored in our database (“Personal Information”).  Should you wish that your Personal Information will be corrected or deleted from our database, you may request us to do so, by sending a written notice to any of the contact details specified below. Within 30 days following the receipt of such notice, we will correct or delete your Personal Information and will confirm that your Personal Information was deleted or corrected, provided that Information which is required for the operation of our business will remain stored (but shall not be used to approach to users of the Service). 

1.7. The Information shall be stored on servers located in Israel. The Company incorporates data security systems and procedures that reduce the risk of an unauthorized breach to the Company’s databases and computer systems, but  these do not completely remove the risk of such a breach. The Company does not guarantee that the data security systems will prevent all breach attempts to the secured databases. The Company will not be liable for any damage caused by such a breach or any other attempt to steal information from the databases and/or the Service.  

1.8. The site and the company reserve the right to change the regulations in a reasonable manner, at their sole discretion, and this without the need to provide any warning or advance notice. The buyer will not have any claims against the site or the company for such a change. The date of application of the change will be the date of publication of the updated version of the regulations on the website for the first time, and any action performed on the website after such publication will be subject to the updated regulations.


Should you have any questions regarding this policy, use of the website, or any purchases made through the website, you may contact us by telephone  at +972(0)54-7082916, by e-mail to, or by delivery of mail 14 Bar-Gyora Apt.10 Raanana, 4320888.

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